THE GATHER 2023 with Charlotte, Alicia and Kathy

I’m very happy to be creating again, especially some new styles. I’ve been feeling very inspired by the vintage fabric itself and the desire to feel comfortable and free in what I’m wearing.  I’m always thinking about mothering, pregnancy and breast feeding and I enjoy making garments that can easily accommodate these phases of life, without adhering to traditional “maternity wear” styles. I also enjoy making simple garments, nothing too fancy but timeless, things that will always be enjoyable to wear. The peasant /gather style is just that, I don’t use a pattern to cut them out which enables me to avoid waste and make small adjustments to style, depending on what the fabric is communicating to me.I do use new fabrics now and then but it’s really a love and passion to crate from vintage textiles that already exist and have a history and life they’ve already lived.